Flexible Approach to Apprenticeships
Flexible Approach to Apprenticeships
Shared employer model with no fixed time commitment
Creating Careers for Life
Creating Careers for Life
For those most hardest to reach
Driven by Industry
Driven by Industry
Delivering apprenticeship training on local projects, large and small
A True Partnership
A True Partnership
A unique collaboration and a first for Scotland
Investing In The Future
Investing In The Future
A first for Scotland, the shared model demonstrated the power of collaboration and what can be achieved through a flexible shared apprenticeship model.

Apprentices Supported


Vocational Areas We Coverd


Employers We Worked With


Years We Have Were Operating


Shared Apprenticeship Model provided a flexible approach to apprenticeships supporting businesses and creating more apprenticeship opportunities.


Covering Angus, Dundee and their surrounding areas delivering employment and apprenticeship opportunities into communities.


Working in collaboration with industry recognised bodies like CITB, SBATC and SECTT.

What our Apprentices Say About Us

Lets here about their experiences in this short video

Projects Our Apprentices Were Involved In

Our apprentices were involved in many different types of specialist work within their chosen trade


"Shared Apprentice Ltd is a great opportunity for apprentices to explore all aspects of joinery via different employers." "At McGill’s, we strive to give apprentices the best training we possibly can. As participants hone their skills, we would hope they become part of the valued team on site." "The Shared Apprentice scheme is a terrific opportunity for future tradesmen and women to train and develop the skills necessary to enjoy a career in the construction industry."

Grant Thomson

Contracts Manager at building services contractor McGill Electrical

Given that we are a small company we find Shared Apprentice value for money. We have added to the work force without having the costs associated with apprentices via the traditional route and it gives us more flexibility with the terms of their employment." "Having an additional apprentice allows the experience and talent of our existing workforce to be passed on to more people and therefore aiding the construction industry in the long term."

Bill Milne

Director, Milnbank Development

"Pert Bruce is delighted to support Shared Apprentice Ltd This is an excellent example of an initiative which addresses one of the construction industry’s biggest challenges of skill shortage. It provides an opportunity for small businesses to take on apprentices when they are not able to commit to the full 4 years of the apprenticeship programme."

Craig Bruce

Director, Pert Bruce Construction Ltd

"Shared Apprentice Ltd is a wonderful scheme that allows youngsters to gain highly regarded qualifications. At the same time it enables local contractors to take on apprentices when they are not in a position to employ the young person for the whole apprenticeship programme."

David Shepherd

Director, Andrew Shepherd Construction Ltd


COSLA: Scottish Government - Delivering Excellence Award 2018

Shared Aprentice Limited was part-funded by CITB

Shared Apprentice Limited, worked in partnership with CITB, collaborated to provide the very best network of support to apprentices and the contractors whose projects they worked on.